Local Emergency Contact Information
In the event that you can't reach us, these resources can help you get assistance and professional care for any wildlife emergencies you encounter.
Mass Wildlife Rehabilitator Directory
To find a licensed wildlife rehabilitator in Massachusetts, visit MassWildlife's directory.
Wild Care Cape Cod
To find resources to help sick, injured, and orphaned wildlife on Cape Cod, call 508-240-2255 or visit the Wild Care Cape Cod website.
Cape Wildlife Centers
Veterinary and rehabilitative care to sick, injured, and orphaned wild animals
During Business Hours: 508-362-0111
After Hours Emergency: 617-835-6845
Website: Cape Wildlife Center
Veterinarian Hospitals Specializing in Wildlife Care
New England Wildlife Centers
Barnstable MA: 508-362-0111
Weymouth MA: 781-682-4878
Website: newildlife.org
Tufts Wildlife Clinic
Grafton MA: 508 839-7918
Website: Tufts Wildlife Clinic
Boston: 617-522-7282
Waltham: 781-902-8400
Website: mspca.org